You did a great job!!! Just if you would put that in any publication nowadays they wouldn’t print it!! :slight_smile:

ha yea thats true but then they also wouldnt print a perfectly tznuah picture of a 12 year old jewish girl🙈

you are 100% right there :slight_smile:

ok i updated the image

Am i allowed to make a few different submissions?! having too much fun on this!

An anime illustration of Rus leaving the Moabite palace

I’m almost more amazed how everyone seems to remember what Megillas Rus is all about!
Can we get a webinar on that too? :joy:

lol @goldie-mezei google was a good start because honestly i could remember the story but not the details…

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Ok thanks for making me feel a little better :slight_smile:

sure!! Can I post that you’ll be giving one on Tuesday night? :slight_smile:
on a separate note- if anyone does want a great read over Yom Tov the book “let me join your nation” is an amazing eye opener to the whole story of Rus and Malchus Beis Dovid https://www.amazon.com/Let-Join-Your-Nation-Matriarch/dp/1598269534
And we can have a rerun for those who needed Y"T to catch up on the story before their AI imagery :slight_smile:

this looks like the Disney version :slight_smile: Well done!

Now we can amazed twice- at your AI ability and your PS skills!


Thanks i guess you taught me well😉! do i need to post the submissions anywhere else?

I finally figured out how to get on Adobe Firefly!
I thought the challenge was just about Shavous so I did some with that theme, I know those won’t win but I hope it’s ok if I post them anyway.

Getting the Torah…

those are wonderful!!! and yes the challenge was for shavous so you are as much able to win as everyone else :slight_smile:
I like how you got the people on the bottom of the mountain

These actually look great!

And love that you chose an original topic, not the typical scene.

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hi dont know if i am too late but decided to try anyway! I missed the webminar and couldnt access the recording so just tried to figure it out based on what everyone put on the forum etc!
Heres orpo looking at noami and rus leaving…
