School calendar pricing

A school is looking for me to make a pretty basic calendar for them. What do you suggest charging?

I did one for $600 If I remember correctly. They didnt want to pay more than that and I figured it was good for my exp.

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just curious, what did that calender include?

13 months
A basic calendar page and then ads on the top flap

It’s more work than you realize.
Unless there is a trick out there, you need to put in the dates manually. Copy and paste doesn’t necessarily work since the dates fall out on different days each month.
And if it’s Hebrew and English, that’s double the amount of work.
Just to keep in mind :slight_smile:

i designed this for just 50 euro :frowning:

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I did a lot, the bottom was monthly calendar and the top was pictures of the kids in the school.

You can use bullets for the dates and then just erase what you dont want and that automatically updates them to the right dates


Yes, that helps! I did a calendar once for my family - we give it to my grandmother every year with all the kids and einiklach’s birthdays, everyone’s anniversaries etc.
(Doing all b-days adds a ton of manual work…)
@shaniporetsky it’s a ton of work - be sure to charge enough!
I used the bullets and numbering feature which does make it a bit quicker…
Also see this thread:

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That’s good to know!
There just had to be a better way…

And mazel tov!

Thanks for letting me know :slight_smile:

Thank you so much