Hi I am working on an ad for a company that has a very strict branding as far as colors and fonts (basically only 2 of each:wink:)…and I need to send to them in the morning! so if anyone wants to weigh in on this that would be amazing!!
I like the design that you made out of the parts of their logo!
Maybe you can make 1 focal point here and stronger visual hierarchy?
When I read it, I’m not sure what the main words are and which to read first and next.
Maybe the first line - Managing… can be made much bigger and placed on top of the hands in the image?
Use size and proximity for the rest of the text to create groups and hierarchy.
(Hope I did a good job just repeating what you always say, @Alyse-Bayles !
Besides for hierarchy/ groups, just another small idea - you might want to put that testimonial in a speech bubble/text box, also maybe add icons instead of the 3 check marks to illustrate what each of those points mean.
Thanks @Chani_Wolpin!
I think this is better-let me know!
Amazing improvement!
Maybe make the Managing… title bolder and the You deserve… less bold.
You can also vertically center the contact info in the grey box.
Don’t love that grey line coming so close to the logo, maybe also the sentence Our competent… can go a bit smaller so it’s farther from the logo
Looking really good!!
Wow! I love this ad! How would it look if the “Ready for…” and “Our competent…” lines were aligned with each other on the right and left by making the top line a little bigger and/or the bottom on a little smaller?
Nice. I thin the main heading should be somewhat bigger/stronger.