It's Adar!

That’s amazing!! wow the detailing in here :slight_smile: I’m sure as much as we appreciate it those who receive it and get the inside joke will appreciate it even more!!! Now that you have that done (3 days before Purim!) you have time to make your label!

Adorable! You have a LOT of patience! I like how you made each lady with different faces, smiles, sheitels, tops, etc.- Such creativity!

I wish! How abt time to make MM?? :wink:

Thanks :slight_smile:

Totally! there’s so much that goes into Purim before actually getting INTO Purim! Tonight I am working on my kids shalach manos for their parties in school, and teachers and their costumes… and then I should start preparing for the seuda… and then hopefully shalach manos!! (and labels somewhere along the way!)

What about Morah/Rebbe letter writing?.. :yawning_face: Lots of shalach manos all set and ready to go… minus their letters
But as a morah, I can vouch that they are so important and appreciated!!!

So true! thanks for the reminder. I’m gonna add that to my to-do list!

Yes! The joys of trying to express your appreciation to teachers in hebrew :slight_smile: It takes 10x’s as long and never comes out expressing exactly what you were trying
working on it right now!!

Oh my that must be fun! Good luck!

Try Bnos Chaya… they read English :wink:

Do they want a 15 year old boy? JK
Google translated it and then ran it past an american israeli who made it sound normal. Now I just need to rewrite them… we’re getting there!

No they don’t lol!
Thanks for letter writing advice! Hope our Rebbeim get the gist of it

Ok here’s my label. I want to make it like a seal on my box. (hence the funny shape.)
Anyone have a corny line for me?

Yes, I love this look. This is so cute!

Very cute! Great job on the pose and you did a great job with the text as well!

My son was a monkey too last year, this is adorable!

This is excellent, the shading an lighting on your brother character, is very good!

This is great! Your son looks like one adorable monkey! I like the seal idea!