It's Adar!

Who’s next?!
Feel free to make a label of Purim items as well, It can be dancing hamantaschen, graggers, a megillah, clown etc - even though the characters are amazing - if you don’t have time for that you can still show your new profession without them!

this was so much fun!!

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This is brilliant!!! So full of expression ! I like all the little details down to the neck of the ties not being fully pulled in-- which kid wants it tight like that anyway?! :slight_smile: The coloring is really nicely done!
The spacing on the text on bottom could use some work- It looks close in some letters and some letters are far apart.
I would move the A freilichin purim slightly down so that the nun is behind the girls hat or slightly up that is not right above. Its not completely a tangent like this but its distracting.

Adorable! Those costumes look like the real deal…all the way down to the shoes! It is drawn beautifully!

Love the theme! The chalk writing on the chalkboard is great!

This year I decided to do a water bottle label. Yes, I re-used some of the artwork from the years before because I’m a busy momma! The goal is to have something finished and on time!

Here’s how it looks in print!

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This is the label I am making. Not necessarily illustrated but playing around w the digital medium. We are going to dress up as artists and my son and i painted mini canvases to give out in the MM boxes. The background of the label is one of the paintings.

That’s so fun! I like the pop art sort of style with the painted/photo mix! Really nicely done!

Thanks, changed a few things. Think it looks better now.

Everyone did such a great job! I made this one for my seven year old sister. (fake name)

sorry it came out so small

That’s adorable! Well done drawing her! You probably got the best big sister award :slight_smile:

REALLY NICE!! I’m sure all your mishloach manos recipients will love it!

Wow love everyone’s labels! They are amazing!!
I made a label for my brother, he’s dressing up as a Moroccan.

Not sure why it got so stretched out before.
Here’s a screenshot of it


hi! everyone’s labels look amazing!! here is mine I made for my sister’s family.

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This is amazing! I’m sure all his friends will be wishing they had such a cool sister! Your drawing came out wonderful-Such a great Moroccan! and it looks beautiful on the packaging! I like how the design on the box matches the gold.
Nice font as well :slight_smile:

Such nice detailing you have going on here! I like the color theme. All the kids look great! and wow! taking on to draw baH all 3 was a really nice sister!! Beautiful work!

These labels are awesome!!! Dont think this counts as a label but my boss asked me to make it so she can give it out in the mishloach manos she gives to her workers. figured I’d share…

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