Adobe Portfolio Website Tip

Yes @Shevi_Kramer Check with the office!

I have a question on using Adobe Portfolio.
Anyone I can ask please?

Sure, Why dont you post it here, or email me at

I’d love to see the video too! Can it be emailed to me?

Me too! My email is


Can anyone advise me as to why the link to my portfolio comes up blank??
What went wrong? It worked the last time I went to the site and haven’t changed anything since.

turns out my filter was blocking it…

I emailed the office for the video and no one replied.
It’s possible I tried the wrong email though.
Would someone be able to send the video to me or tell me which email to request it from?

Same. I’d also love to see it!

Here’s the link Design Alive Ltd. WebEx Enterprise Site
and here’s a handout to go with it

The link’s not working…

I updated it, can you let me know if it works now?

It is, thanks!

Can’t wait to watch

and I am looking forward to seeing all your portfolios!

That link isn’t working with my filter :frowning: Are you able to send it as a google drive link to

Thank you adinacahn!
This video is so clear and helpful!

Reach out to the office I dont have the file as I saved it on the school’s cloud

What email address should I try?

Try or

@adinacahn thank you for the video! was so helpful! one thing, I still dont know how to do…
I bought my own domain and want to link it but I have no idea how to do the A records? Can anyone advise!