I have techloq, and need to be able to download youtube videos for certain jobs. I called techloq and they have a youtube downloader but it doesn’t always work.
Does anyone have any other links or apps that they know of that works?
I have techloq, and need to be able to download youtube videos for certain jobs. I called techloq and they have a youtube downloader but it doesn’t always work.
Does anyone have any other links or apps that they know of that works?
Wondershare uniconverter is great, it also has a converter and compressor and other things
It’s $80 and you have it forever
i’m really struggling with techloq. just got it installed. it blocks all images. all faces. and almost all stock sites
That depends on your settings. I use techloq and it only blocks what it’s set to block.
Same, I have techloq and doesn’t block faces. It blocks certain images but not much. You should change your settings.
Regarding stock sites, it blocked them all but I unblocked the ones I use for long term use so it’s not an issue now.
it blocks whole image where people are on! im going mad.
regarding stock sites i tried to unblock and rejects it.
i guess will have to call them…
did you set up the account yourself? When setting it up there’s a detailed form where you fill in exactly what you want
no. husband filled it in. but didnt say was form. he said they asked a few q’s…
not sure…
oh, he probably chose one of the default settings so it didn’t ask many more. When I set it up, there were a lot of specific questions to answer. Contact them to reset it, they’re usually very helpful.
ok. i will do. thanks