Yearbook Price


I’m making a yearbook for an 8th grade class (about 110 girls).

They will be sending me all the content that needs to go in it and I will be doing just the designing part/layout of it.

Altogether it’s about 220 pages, but a lot of them are the same layout with just different text. (ex- literature, ad pages…)

How much would you charge either as an hourly rate or as a fixed rate?

And which way should I be charging? (hourly or fixed)


I would charge per page
Some pages will be quicker and some will take longer but it should balance out


About how much would you charge per page?
I know there’s probably a big range…

This could be a pretty big project by the time you finish with all the corrections.
if you have the opportunity to work out how many different types of pages there are or to try one out it would be a good idea to give you an idea how long each page cold take you.

You could either make a price per page taking into account there will be easier pages and harder pages or try breaking it down into types of pages -
eg template pages where it could take you an 1-2 to design the page but after that you just have to pop the images in so you could charge say $100/150 for the design but then $10 per actual page that uses that template
or price Picture pages $25 per page/
Dvar torah/ mainly txt pages - $10 for example

or you could ask them what is their usual budget for this as this will not be the first time they have done this type pf job