Word of the Week 3

Fish made of eyeball :smiley:

This is adorable!!!

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Awesome job you have all done playing around in Mid Journey or Firefly

But are you still feeling really limited?

It’s taking a while to get the look you want? (and then still not getting just that right angle or background)

Interested in how you could use chatGPT in your work?

Have lots of questions to ask an expert?

Then come join us in ‘Mastering Mid journey’ course with Yehoshua King

and learn (in short)

:white_check_mark: Characteristics, and Basic Parameters
:white_check_mark: Attributes
:white_check_mark: Elements and Styles
:white_check_mark: Advanced Parameters
:white_check_mark: Ask all your questions
:star_struck:++ Using ChatGPT for Creative Concepts

Starting this Sunday for 6 weeks
(yes yes you can do it self-paced by watching the recordings, we know its hard to commit to a certain time)

Check out all the nitty gritty details here :point_left:

Don’t get stuck in your old ways, keep creating those awesome designs but stop spending so much time blending images and sifting through stock images! Aka earn money quicker and stay up to date!

Best of all :star_struck:- being a DA grad you get $90 off expiring Thursday at Midnight, (yup that’s tomorrow night) Use coupon code damj at checkout.

:point_down: :point_down:
Register today

See you on the inside
Zippy sig

p.s. any questions hit reply and this is a one-time course for those that asked :wink:!

The website says DA grads get $60 off, and here it says $90. Which one is correct?

$90 off

the site also says $90 off… for me.


Ok now this is a game-changer!!