Word of the Week 19

Let’s get into the Purim spirit here (this was supposed to be posted before the weekend with Purim Katan happening.)
The prompt this week is Anne Geddes style
Anne Geddes is a famous Australian Photographer based in NY. Anne Geddes is known for her whimsical and ethereal visual style. Her photographs capture the innocence and beauty of newborns and young children, often incorporating nature and fantasy elements. Her images evoke a sense of wonder and evoke emotions of joy and tenderness.You may recognize her style from her baby pictures like these one here:

Looking forward to seeing what you come up with!

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prompt: baby dressed up as a turnip anne geddes style

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prompt: newborn baby dressed as a goldfish, blue water, seaweed background, anne geddes style


adorable. where can I buy these costumes? lol

just print it from your computer - with the technology these days I’m sure you can do such things :wink: lol

I did this using the new freepik ai. It needs to work on the hands a little but other than that I think its a cute strawberry costume!


So cute, why are the hands always disformed with AI?

Adorable!! you can always add a bit more material to the bundle in photoshop so that the hand is more covered. and @chavi hands are hard to draw for artists as well!!

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Oh My freepik AI is amazing!!!

Dont mess if your in this teachers class!!


@shirar this sleeping baby looks so peaceful!!

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@chavi wow!! love the coloring and expression here!!!

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