Anyone knows how an image like the one in this ad is made?
my guess is illustrator.
ya think?
It’s not too complex to make all of that 3D in Illustrator?
Just curious if there’s another program graphic designers out there are using, because I see so many ads with custom-created 3D objects in them!
I wonder if it’s made in Adobe Dimensions part of creative cloud. Not something I ever learnt but maybe I should consider it
Yeah, that’s what I’m wondering.
I feel like there’s something I’m missing here
Blender (Free) and Cinema 4D (Paid) are amazing - I did tutorials online which helped alot but would love to take an official course on any of those programs (Adobe Dimensions too) If anyone knows of any…
Yeah me too!
Sounds like it would open up so many more design options!
if you know anyone who uses Adobe dimensions or another 3d modeling program then let me know and we can ask them to create a course. There are MAYA Z brush, 3d max but they are complex to to learn
And if anyone knows of online tutorials in these programs, please share…
Adobe Dimensions has some helpful tutorials
and linkedin learning too LinkedIn Learning with Lynda: Online Training Courses for Creative, Technology, Business Skills. but you have to pay/have a brooklyn public library card
Thanks @Del and @goldie-mezei !
Hi Guys- We have great news to share and you are the first to hear of it
We are planning to put on a course of 3-4 sessions covering Adobe dimensions, iyh after sukkos. We have already contacted the teacher involved and we will get back to you all with final details of the schedule and start date. We hope to run it about a month after sukkos for 4 classes (once a week)
Cost and details to follow.
Thanks for sharing!! Looking forward to hearing more about it!
So excited!
Thanks so much for working that out!
4 classes sounds great !
Looking forward!
when will we find out the details of this?
Please give us a week also to finalize the details but we would love to run the course at the start of November up until Chanukah.