
I designed a postcard for my client which she also wanted me to save so she could use on whats app. I honestly don’t have experience in this and saved it as jpeg 72ppi. She said it is really unclear. I would really appreciate it if someone could guide me as to how to go about this kind of work. This is her Whatsapp status (248.979.0834) where you could see the two sides of the postcard. I am wondering if for whatsapp the design is supposed to be different dimensions?

I am thinking maybe it is too large for whatsapp, though really not sure how these things work…

So for screens you export as a jpg or png
make sure the resolution is 300ppi
I usually do export for screens

You change it to resolution and make it 300ppi
this exports as a png. I have used for whatsapp and it works great
A status is 1080 by 1920 pixels but you can also just leave it as a regular size if it’s also not being used for statuses

ok, thank you so much

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you’re welcome
hope it helps