Wedding Monogram


Hope someone can help me :slight_smile:

I’m trying to make a wedding monogram for someone… Letters are ‘Hei, Lamed’ for Kallah, ‘Mem, Shin’ for chosson and Lamed for last name…

She wants these letters fitting into this kind of music note but finding it super hard to create in Illustrator! Anyone with experience can help me recreate what she wants? What tools do I use to do this?

Thanks so much!!

just a point, if there is 2 of the same letter in a monagram, people dont always put it in twice…

make sure to do either all print letters, or all cursive.
How about the shin on the bottom, hei in the middle (where the mem and shin are now), and lamed big somehow

nice music note shape - i see the challenge!
i agree not to mix up script (shin, mem ,hei) and block (lameds) - my brain keeps trying to read it as Jew or Lew… so maybe also dont join up the mem and shin…

you could try with actual hebrew fonts, create outlines and then warp the letters to fit the shape and use shape builder tool to knock off diff. parts (easier said than done!)