Website email notification problem

I have a strange problem.

I am using the basic comments feature on a website. When someone leaves a comment I (administrator) receive a notification. I created another use to receive those notifications as well.
He is not receiving the emails. I did the SMTP setup. The email being used is with the domain name and I also tried hotmail.

What can the problem be?

How did you set up that a second user should receive notification?

I created a new user (editor)
in the notifications i set the email notifications to be sent to administrator (myself) and editor, but only i am getting the notifications

Did you check spam?

Yes, he says they are not in spam

Is it possible the notifications you’re using (looks like a plugin?) isn’t actually working at all, and you’re only receiving the default comment notifications from WP, not the plugin?

Oy vey!

What do you suggest? How do I need to set this up correctly?

Wait – I don’t know for sure that it’s not working! It’s just a possibility. Maybe you can test it by changing the message text (in the screenshot). If the comment notification you receive has the updated text, it seems like the plugin is working. If you don’t get it, then you know you can go to the plugin docs and try to troubleshoot there.