Webinar by Joel Schwartz live now

*Registration is required :point_down: :point_down:
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Thank you to all those who joined live, we would love to hear your feedback here.

The recording will be released in the next few days here on the JDF.

wow! that was amazingly impressive!
if you missed it you must watch!!
Thank you for the opportunity Zippy!

Ditto @Rivki_Levin
He gave a great explanation of the logo and branding process through amazing visual presentations! Itโ€™s worth it to watch if you have the time.
Thank you!

Yes, it was great!! So much to learn, and Iโ€™m excited to implement some of it into my branding process. Thanks a lot, these webinars are so valuable!

It was amazing and I loved every second!! Thank you so much!

It was amazing! Thank you so much.

I really wanted to join but go too busy! Looks like it was really good! Canโ€™t wait for the recordingโ€ฆ

Was amazing! didnt get to watch the entire thing but wtvr i did see was very informative!

Now you can all watch the recording here:


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The link does not work for me. Is there any way i can get it?