Video Footage

I am creating a short slideshow for someone, (I don’t really do motion graphics and I am just trying to do this quick job to help her out), and I was wondering where I can find some video footage ex. abstract background or stars etc. for free. If any motion graphics students can post some links, I would really appreciate it! Thanks in advance!

Adobe stock has a free section
Adobe Stock Free collection: Photos, Vectors, Videos | Adobe Stock

i use adobe stock for alot of mine.
here are some other sites…

videezy is also great

Thanks, everyone! Seems my filter is blocking all video :frowning: can anyone download and email me these videos, I would really appreciate! :slight_smile: my email is
Free Abstract White Images – Browse 2,082 Free Stock Photos, Vectors, and Video | Adobe Stock
Free Abstract White Images – Browse 2,082 Free Stock Photos, Vectors, and Video | Adobe Stock
Free Abstract White Images – Browse 2,082 Free Stock Photos, Vectors, and Video | Adobe Stock

Got them, thanks!

Here’s the slideshow I sent her. I am open to critique on it, just remember, I don’t really do motion graphics!

Amazing! This does not look like you don’t know how to do Motion …

:wink: I made it in powerpoint…

As someone who worked in power point for years before taking the motion graphics course, all I can say is WOW!!! it is amazing!! I had some critique but only because I thought you used After Effects - it is off the charts for power point! you have such talent and should really take the motion graphics course

@DSG Maybe one day I’ll get to motion graphics courses… It’s not really what I am looking to go into, I do graphics and would love to take the Digital Illustration course one day cuz I love to draw…

When I took the job she described it totally differently…
I thought she wanted a few slides designed and I would just have to animate (like a gif or animated ad) that they should show automatically one after the next… turns out it was a lot more complex than I thought! She sent me the soundtrack and I spent a while panicking… :sweat: and then another while working… and this was the final.
Oh, and it was also a rush job cuz they needed it like the next day…
And the woman who had contacted me originally from the school had a baby that day… :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
I took it as a job that I thought was within my range, and ended up finishing it as a favor cuz they needed it desperately…
Don’t worry, I got to charge a rush fee! :rofl:

I don’t know much about motions graphics, but it looks great:)

I noticed that all of the pages are numbered 7. Was that on purpose?

Oh, I see what you mean. Its a daled. She sent me these cards. They are part of a whole pack and I assume that the other ones have other aleph bais.