Upsherin logo

Any inspiration for a upsherin logo???

something with scissors and hair or tztitis…

do you know where I can find a vector tzitzis?

you can maybe trace something like this and make it a bit nicer

dont really know where to find one

Hi I made this a while ago for my nephew

Got the inspo online so u might see rly similar….

This is what I have so far… Any critique?
Anything else in this style I should offer my client?

maybe write the name like on the’knife’ of the scissors and use the same coloring

I love these! Maybe add in another color (yellow). Also, maybe play around with the angle of the scissors so it’s not angled downwards

I love these designs! really nice color!
Maybe do a yud behind his name? or you could do a "straight"ish 3 like the pic below. Have his name on the top line and then the rest of the three… hope im being clear enough :slight_smile:

If you still need some inspiration I made this for my brother.
The polka dots gave it a fun look!
Good Luck!

where would i get such a zizis from?

Why don’t you just redraw it in Illustrator? It’s simple enough…