Trouble using AI in Photoshop desktop app

I am having trouble using generative AI on my personal computer in Photoshop. Whenever I hid generate, I get an error message that says “please check your internet connection and try again,” when my internet connection is fine. I am wondering if it’s a filter issue, I have Techloq. Did anyone else have this issue and have any leads for me to resolve it?

I have Techloq as well I think its an issue on their end. When I try doing generative fill it just comes up black.

I have techloq and mine doesn’t work either I never bothered to deal with it yet but I would contact techloq and ask them if they can’t then try Adobe they may have a way to override it.

I have same issue with techloq…

I have techloq, works perfectly by me

Ok thanks. I guess I’ll reach out to the filter company.
Thanks everyone!

Haven’t had any issues with it, but when i installed techloq i did add all adobe programs to my whitelist…

I reached out to TAG (who has the capabilities to make changes to my Techloq account) and they unblocked it. I figured I would follow up for anyone else that is having this issue, try getting unblocked by your filter…