Subscriptions on hebrew calendar

I set up a site for a client, where users can buy subscriptions. She now asked me to maek it charge the customer at the beginning of each hebrw month. IS this possible? how can I set it up that way?
I don’t see any way to do this and was thinking to tell her i can make it charge the customer every 30 days, but if anyone knows of a way it can be done exact, please let me know.

Which payment processor are you using? If it is an Israeli they might have the option

I’m using stripe, and a plugin called WP swings for the subscriptions

Which kind of Israeli plugin would do it? maybe i could switch… Unless it’s just the payment processor your referring to?
From the look of things, I would have to set these kinds of preferences in the subscription plugin

I dont know about wpswings, you can try yaad sarig and ask them if they have the option

Would that be instead of Stripe?


what are you using woocommerce subscriptions?

I don’t know if you’d find something premade for that; Israel as a country uses the Western calendar. It would take custom coding, and calendar code can be difficult.