Special needs camp logo

Hi everyone!
Someone asked me to create a camp logo for a special needs adult camp.
The camp theme is HATS OFF, they want all different hats in the logo e.g. farmer, baker…
They dont want it to look childish but it is for special needs. Any bright ideas for a logo?


I feel like its the font and colors will make it childish or not.
Letters wearing the hats.
Assorted hats on the ground in front of the words.
Hats strung to the words like balloons? that might be too childish…
How many hats do they have in mind?
How about 1 hat on the A, and then to laying upside down next to the “off”

What do you think of some of these?

I like the second to the top on the left side.
I think they are all a bit too serious for a camp logo. I think you should go for a more fun font and brighter colors

i like the idea of the piled hats
the circle idea is also has potential
I feel like the bottom ones look like a store logo
I think the text should have more personality

I agree that the color and font needs to be more playful.
How about if you can put a hat instead of a letter maybe the a or the o

How about something like this? though Im not sure - maybe it’s too kid-friendly…

How about using a cap instead of a hat. The lady’s hat is more formal looking. The colors can be more fun, bright and bold.

How about an idea like this, just with hats and the words on the side

These are all such good ideas! Ill keep you posted with the final one customer goes with!

This is the final logo. Thanx everyone for your ideas!

Really fun and exciting!
Love the color. Great Job!

adorable! love the font and colors!

It’s really cute and fun!

Love it!!!

It’s really good! looks so campy :slight_smile:

wow! amazing job! love it!

Adorable!!! Love it!!

Thanx everyone!

Love it! It’s so much and full of energy!