Does anyone have a shutterstock account with credit spare for two images? Thank you so much
I don’t have shutter stock, but I have adobe stock and deposit photos, if you can find what you need on there, you can email me and I’d be happy to download for you
Thank you so much i really appreciate it, I do prefer shutterstock images for now but if i can’t get them, i will reach out to you
Thanks again
you can sometimes find the same image on shutterstock and adobe stock
oh, i did not know that. I will try to check it out. Thank you so much
you can upload the picture you found in the browse and see if it comes up
an error comes up when i tried that.
do you want to upload the image here? and I’ll try
Here’s the link
i brought your image in psd and changed it to a jpg (and cut off the shutterstock)
wow. First of all thank you so much for doing that for me. Secondly, thanks for enlightening, I did not know that adobe stock and shutter stock have the same pics