I have things I have created for a school- for example gorgeous 50 page shemonah esrei scrapbooks and other schools are asking for these materials.
What is a reasonable price to charge them to take these materials?
Who provided the content for the booklet?
Are you selling just the design or the content as well?
If your selling with the content and it was provided by the school you probably should speak to them. If they paid you to design it for them you probably can’t sell it until you talk to them.
Whatever you decide - make sure you sell it for enough
selling the design, the school is ok with me selling it
hard to know what the right price is cuz it’s already done and ready
what should the price be for the done product, and if they do want their own modifications, what do people charge per revision?
It’s really up to you - for sure 50 percent less then what you charged to create it. Maybe ask around in schools what the going rate is when buying a curriculum. It’s hard to advise on pricing without seeing the product.
I actually know of a few people who already did it, they asked the same price as the first time.
I would say agree to that as well, There’s no reason that you need to go too much lower in price. Yes you are not putting in the same time but the work and quality is there. In someways its easier to charge for a product you already have, as you just set a price for it and they can decided yes or no. When you walk in a store items have a price tag. The store owner is not giving you “cheshbonos” on that he got it for cheaper or more etc. the price is the price.
Maybe charge a small percent less but I dont see why they need to know what you charged the first time.
Ie. The price of the Shemoneh Esrei Booklet is X.
There is no need to reference to them what you charged anyone else. It has a price and they can buy it or not.
What does it mean that you are selling it to them?
They own it? They can sell it further?
Usually when schools sell curriculums they take care of printing and charge per book.
I don’t want them to sell it further
ya I was thinking of selling per piece and printing it myself…
You are selling them the material. Whatever design is created. Not the rights for them to sell it onwards.
I dont know what “ages” you all are, but back when Esky Cook had her graphics CDs. You bought the CD and then you had the right to use it on all your material. You couldn’t send it further or give the CDs out to others but any material you wanted it for you were able to use it on.
thanks everyone for all your help and advice!!!
I hear that esky does that, but it’s not done that way anymore. Curriculum developers don’t tend to give it out on a cd. They will give small pieces on a cd (but only because of the way schools can get the funding). I am in the curriculum business for quite a while and am pretty sure this is how it’s done (at least in the US - not sure about Israel and England). The other way its done is with membership sites where you pay for membership and then can download.
But, it’s your choice - you can do whatever you feel comfortable with
It’s not done on a CD- thats not the point I was saying, I was saying that Rivky doesnt have to worry about schools reselling itto other schools as someone else has mentioned because in the sale she can state that she is selling the material/design not the rights
Think of what it is worth for the schools. A price is not only about the hours you put in, but your skills, education, experience etc.