Scratch disk full

Do you guys also get this pop up window in photoshop when trying to save a heavy file?

I get this a lot in work. It means your memory on your computer is kind of full. I usually delete things from my downloads, bin, and desktop.

hope it works. really worked hard on it, and cant even save it

Do you save things on onedrive or a disc? or straight on your computer?
as long as you delete from your computer it will end up working.

I save everything on a hard drive

so delete your downloads then, if you want to save them incase you ever need them. just move them to hte hard drive first.

I transfered and deleted so many items, for sure 200 GB. But nothing has changed…

I just deleted all the temp files. BH, this did the trick

Photoshop uses a lot of the spare memory on the computer for the act of saving your file, even if the file itself will be not so heavy. When you have barely any spare memory left on your hard drive, it not only slows down the whole program, but it also can’t save - like the issue you were having. Good idea to clear up lots of spare memory to improve performance!