School Flyer

Hi all! This is a very very rough draft of a flyer i am designing for a client. the empty purple bar on the bottom is where i am going to put contact information and the schools logo…design wise, what can/should i change about it?

It looks cute! what’s it for?
The line “it’s time for the queen to” is too big and a drop too close to ‘make her move’
I think you should have different pieces on the board - it looks all like a copy with a different color. maybe its fine - not sure…
The bottom of the board is bothering me that there is a little piece - can you move the board down a little so it aligns nicely
The board also looks a little pixelated to me but could be a monitor thing

Are they all queen pieces? If you’re gonna have them all be the same make them all pawns besides for the big queen obviously. Also about halfway through the lines on the board get uneven. And the smallest piece in back should really be the same height as the other one on its line, try to have the perspective a bit more consistent.
But it does look very intriguing and bold. You got us all curious about what on earth this is!

thanks!! its an ad for a school for girls from regular frum homes that don’t fit into mainstream Bais Yaakov schools, its just stam an ad to get girls to come to their school.

Very nice.
I agree with all of the above.
Try to work with the perspective.
Maybe soften the curve of the “make her move” and move it up a bit if you could.
Also, is the queen supposed to be standing on two boxes?
Can’t wait to see the final!

Am I too late to comment?
To give a better sense of depth usually you make the front lighter and the back darker. This feels a little dizzying…

thanks everyone for all your advice :slight_smile: but in the end, the client wants to go with something else entirely :frowning: :frowning: