Rich black

When printing black, I know it is best not to print pure K, but to mix all of CMYK to make rich black. What about when I have a photo in an ad that’s very black… how do I make sure it will print richly? (if that’s a word :slight_smile:

@adinacahn …trying to remember is it 60/60/60/100 ?

If poorly is a word, then richly should be one too, wouldn’t you agree? :wink:

I always thought pure K was best … whats the right composition?

good Q! i’ve only ever used rich black in black graphics that i bring in but not worried about it for photos…

There are conversations in adobe community about it but frankly i do not understand color profiles and seems they are not very conclusive either! i’ll post them here just in case you have patience and understanding! I’d be interested to know if there’s a quick answer to your Q!

The K is used for contrast as technically CMY should make up black in a pure world( but since its not we add K to ensure a black color. 100K is not rich black but usually used for txt as you dont want the color adjustment at printing to affect the text but for images or blocks of color you shoudl use C 63 M 52 Y51 K100 . Photoshop automatically uses rich black when you choose black. Vector programs dont. Hope this helps

but one usually doesnt have to worry about the black in images in PS unless you have reasont o suspect it may not print dark enough. I woudl sample the black color and check what its made from and if need be adjust the contrast to make the black blacker

Hi, dont know if Im too late here, but I recently did a booklet in dark mode (all backgrounds in black) for print… when we asked the printer they told us to use 60,40,40,100
In small spots it doesnt matter.

if im sending someone a logo in black- I should do this color combo?