Registration open for Profitable Freelancer by Michal Eisikowitz - Discount inside for DA grads

A high-value frum business program is starting very soon.

I believe it’s an excellent program, so I’m sharing the details.

The Profitable Freelancer

A 9-week business bootcamp led by Michal Eisikowitz, founder of CopyTribe.

Michal will cover common freelance business hurdles, like how to:

  • Market yourself effectively
  • Set fair yet profitable pricing
  • Manage clients smoothly and ensure they pay
  • Delight clients so they consistently come back (and refer you).

Here are the details:

Registration ends October 31

Program begins November 1

Register at CopyTribe Waitlist


$200 off with code DESIGNALIVE22

Enter code at checkout on CopyTribe Waitlist.

(If at least 5 of you sign up, you get an additional $200 off — for a total savings of $400.)

[I don’t get anything btw. I’m not an affiliate — I’m sharing because I believe in the program and want you to have access to it.]

If you have questions or want to speak to a DA Alum who’s taken the program, email — they’ll hook you up!

I took this course last year and it is amazing!
A must for anyone who wants to build up a freelancing business!!

I’m in! Hope another 4 sign up!! I’d love to learn together :slight_smile:

I’m considering it seriously…

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I’m also seriously considering it.
was wondering if there will be 5 in total…

@goldie-mezei see you there!!
@yspiegel did you sign up?

So excited @YittyR :tada:!!

yup!! looking forward cant wait :wink:

Did we make it to 5?! :slight_smile:

Hey just looked at the list- looks like we did :clap:

I’m so exited!!
btw is there anyone else joining, but not going to class? (I work till 4 :expressionless:)?

Me! When I reached out to them they said around 40% don’t end up joining live…
I guess once I watch the first class I’ll see if I feel I would gain a lot more from the live class then I’d try to make it work

I have the feeling I’ll be watching the classes so last minute because it’s not live…
I guess that’s the downside of doing it self-pace