Purim Thank You Cards Design


Any thoughts on these cards? Its for the agency to send to different doctors offices that have referred people to them (but they can’t thank them cuz its illegal). They asked for 2 different sizes. (I saw the typo and I know the confetti needs to be fixed. Also I have to correct the shadows that are missing.)

Looking good!
The bottom one seems to be working better than the top.
Since you need both sizes, you should try to fix the layout on the top. I’m basically not loving how the logo is positioned randomly under the text - I think it should be on the bottom left next to the contact info (and obviously straight) - then bring down the focal area to the middle of the page.
I’m also not loving that there are so many colors being used in such a small design. I think you should make the words “Happy Purim” in either the blue of “challenge” or the purple from the mask.
Its confusing because I like the gold letters but I feel like the blue or purple stands out too much - I guess if you make the logo less prominent and put it on the bottom near the contact info - maybe the gold lettering won’t look so bad… I guess try a few different options…

I played with the colors a bit and switched the logo and wording on the square card.

I forgot to add. The empty space on the rectangle one is because they want to personalize each one. Originally they talked about wanting it black and gold but I don’t love that option.
And also, forgot to say thank you for your comments @Breindy-S !

I like best the pink or white one.
The black one isn’t bad - its very sharp. I guess I like all three options :slight_smile:
The only thing I don’t like on any of them is

It’s part of the confetti next the m! of Purim!

Nice job! I think that happy purim needs to be stronger focus because right now when I look the word Challenge sticks out most and almost looks like a happy purim challenge! Also not loving all the diagnal text or when so much of the H is covered by the mask.

They wanted a more corporate look so it went from those to these:

They are putting the cards on a navy and cream box.

Any feedback?

I feel like there’s some awkward space btwn the name and Happy Purim.
How about putting Happy Purim on 2 lines?

The name is going to be different on each card, any many are for multiple names. I’ll have to adjust them, but I wanted the client to see what it would look like. They wanted Happy Purim on one line. Thank you! :slight_smile:

I’m not in love with the font of ‘dear x’ and ‘best wishes…’

Nice! just double check with them that they are ok with changing their logo color because some companies care

Thanks for the feedback!

I like the version where the logo and drs. name is left aligned.

They chose the one that was totally center aligned. I fixed the placement of the doctors names. Thanks for all of your help!

I work at a pediatrician’s office and we got some candy trays today with this card on them. Came out really nice!