I’m making this public notice for chaveirim of dallas and wanted some opinions before sending any options…
For the first type- with the red and yellow… so which of the three should I send?
I usually like to send at least two (if not 3) options in the beg. but I think for this it could be two… what do you think abt the typography one- I’m not great with that type (no pun intended ) of thing so any and all suggestions would be nice (I think sometimes just type could be cool (and i don’t want to put so much more time into it cuz i already spent alot of time on the first one )
Thanks for all your help,
I prefer #2 of the first option.
I think you should move the bs"d to the top right and put the chaveirim logo there and make it a little bigger than what you have on the bottom.
It’s really nice and sharp! I dont think you need to invest more time in another option.
what do you think?
I also made the :never" a little bigger and the little words in btw. the same size font to unify it better…
Thanks- will send it to him and see what he says
just got this from him:
Looks good but let’s see if we can bring out more of a car and a child in it in the background something to catch people’s attention more
any ideas?
how do i tell him that red and yellow are catchy enuf ??
I liked it with the picture being very subtle. It looks very sharp and clean like this.
The red and yellow with the white letters catch your eye and because the picture isn’t fighting for your attention it’s easier to read and remember.
And the ‘clock’ info on bottom is enough to scare you
thanks for the validation
here’s the final… BH didn’t work hard cuz i had found this picture earlier jsut didn’t use it…
this is brilliant work IMO! i saw it in my inbox and it really caught my eye!
This came out really nice, quite catchy.
And thanks everyone for your input and help!
Really eye-catching! You did a beautiful job!