Profile pic

Hi just wondering if anyone knows the best size or way to export the profile pic I am making for a client? Any help would be appreciated, thanks
Btw feel free to share any good inspo you have for this- its for a makeup artist, wants something bold…
thank you

Google says 16×16 px when I did a quick search. It’s called a favicon

favicon is the little icon that appears at the top bar in your browser.

profile picture is something else. for what does she need it?

for her whatsapp…

Mr. Google says:

Here are the main recommended image sizes for WhatsApp: Profile picture – The best profile picture should be at least 192px by 192px and can be either a JPG or PNG image. Ideally, it should be 500px by 500px.

thank you @schlomithsassoon (and mr google:)

shira makeup
this is what i came up with, please lmk what you think- they want it back asap…

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really pretty! i like how the shira is made of lipstick :slight_smile:

In end they wanted a different style so I have sent them this and will see what they say :wink:

shira makeup2


I like the second option much better!

This one is so sharp!

thanks! She is using the second option as is bh :grinning: