Pricing Questions


Great, thanks for the update! Sounds good (:

Back to the discussion on albums… I’m doing a Bar Mitzva album for a client. I never did one before so I am not sure how much time it will take. I do want to give a flat rate though instead of an hourly one. Can anyone with experience advise me how long it takes per page or how much you charged for the whole thing so I can gage myself?
And if anyone has sample designs to upload that would be REALLY helpful!

I don’t personally lay out albums, but it seems like lots of people do so maybe some others can post exactly what they charge. As I mentioned in an earlier post, I would think $5-$10 per page would be reasonable. I don’t think it should take very long to lay out each page, maybe 15 minutes per page (of course there might be edits). So then you would be about $20-$30 per hour, depending on if you go with 5 or 10 per page and how long it actually takes to lay them out. So for a 20 page album, you’d be looking at about $150, for a 50 page album, about $250. Somebody mentioned before that that seemed high, so if you think so you could adjust that price a little bit and charge $200 for the 50 page album, or whatever you feel comfortable with. It is relatively simple work so even if it takes a little more time, it is not “difficult”, so that could justify going a little lower.

Anyone who actually does album layouts have some prices you can suggest?

Ive been doing freelance graphics for some time now and still always have a bit of a doubt of my pricing so wanted to see what you guys say…
for a school event flyer (open house, raffle, concert flyers) how much would you say? Although there is a big difference between simpler events like an open house and a yaakov shweckey concert that involves thousands of people …I would assume that would up the price, no?
I noticed Alyse bayles posted 50-200 dollars a poster but thats a big range…ide say how much for something like the concert I mentioned? and how much for more basic school events…?
also how about a design of a wall wrap in a school…?

thanks so much!

sorry to post again…!
one more project Im in middle of that I have less of an idea how much to charge is a Tzedaka box design for a kollel…
It sounds simple but its been a lot of back and forth with him and this fundraiser is planning on using this to raise a lot of money for his kollel… any ideas??

Can you price the tzedakah box loosely on how much time it has taken you, in terms of figuring out an hourly wage and then multiplying it by the time it took you? I think that since it is for a kollel and fundraising I would charge less than for a for-profit business, the fact that they are using it to raise a lot of money doesn’t seem like it should influence the cost for something like this. I would say it depends on the complexity of the design, ie. did you have to create a custom illustration? Or is it mostly a layout? If mostly a layout with their logo and text info or/and photo, I would say around $50. I find with the back and forth issue, sometimes you “win” and sometimes not…ie. sometimes you have a client that is happy on the first try so you end up ahead financially, and sometimes it takes more back and forth, but overall evens out. I personally wouldn’t change the price, given that it is a kollel, because of the back and forth, unless they really wanted you to change the whole thing, or change design directions, after they already approved an original concept, in which case I may add a limited flat amount to compensate for the fact that you basically did two designs.
But I would keep it mind for future projects for this client. i.e. if they seem to be the “picky” type, then when pricing future jobs for them would price somewhat higher to accommodate for that.

Hi- I’m new to the field and I wanted to know what would be reasonable pricing for the layout of 2 features a week in a magazine.

Is it going to be a new design each week or will it be the same design from week to week, only the text will be updated etc?
I designed a layout for a publication and I update it each week. I charged a flat rate for the original design and for the weekly update, I charge by the hour. My client was happy with this arrangement and it’s working out so far.
I think that the reason why clients usually get scared off by an hourly rate, is because they feel like they’re signing up for something without knowing where it may end. With the weekly update, it is more or less the same amount of time each week and if it does require more time, it’s usually because your client requested additional changes, wasn’t organized when giving you the info and files etc. and would therefore be more understanding should it take longer than the norm.
Good Luck!

Thanks! I’m not sure yet if it will change weekly or if I can use the same template.

I think Rachel’s answer is a good one, and definitely makes a difference if you will be doing the same layout each week, in which case you can charge for the creation of the template and then a set weekly amount for updates. Also would depend on how many pages each layout is…If setting up a template, price would depend on the number of pages and complexity, but I am thinking between $75-$125 for each template, and then an hourly rate for changing it each week (so if it will take you an hour each week per article to update, perhaps $50-$60 each week).
But if the layout is completely different each week and it will take several hours per article, then if you figure $20 per hour and 6 hours of work each week, you could charge $125-$135 each week. I agree with Rachel that the hourly rate makes most sense when the work will be about the same each week, but I think you should present it to them as a flat rate even if calculating based on time.

Rachel, would you be willing to share what you charged, or a range?

I charged $175 for the layout, which was 2 pages, and the weekly update comes out to 25 - 50 each week. The layout each week stays exactly the same besides for the color scheme changing and the actual article and text.

I’m curious what others would charge for a photoshop job for someone’s wedding pictures? I was thinking of charging per picture but not so sure.
Thanks for your input!

I believe $5-$10 per picture is pretty standard.If it is a ton of pictures, though, probably best to give a package deal.

I have a pricing question… How much is reasonable for a 6-8 monthly newsletter…including articles, ads, pictures…
the first time when I set up the template is a higher price and then each month is a lower range depending on revisions/time…
what prices come to mind…?


A potential employer asked me to come up with a salary. The job is to design a magazine. The first issue would be one price, and past that it would be a set salary, because it’s much less work. Anyone has any idea of how much I can charge him for the first issue and then past that? The magazine is starting off with about 10 pages, and it needs to be designed from scratch. Cover, table of contents, all spreads… The rest of the issues would be just updating the articles and ads.
Also, if anyone that advertises wants an ad, I would be designing that as well. Should that be included in the salary?
Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

Looking through the previous posts might give you some ideas. At the very beginning of this thread there is a similar discussion for a 20 page newsletter. An above this post on this page Rachel was discussing what she charges per two page spread, for the first setup and then the updates. Maybe you can use that as a reference an figure out something that makes sense for 5 spread, for the 10 page magazine.

What about pricing for a website?
How much would you charge for a pretty basic; 3/4 page website, contact form and donations page?

Hi, what is a good price to charge for a flyer / ad (for a Sunday clubs) its my first live job so in the lower price range… i don’t want to charge per hour since i’m still new at this… So what would be a fixed amount for something like this?

Hey, I can tell you what I did, if that helps… I think the first flyer/ad I did was for around $30/$35 and then after a few times I went up to $60.
I think the standard is around $75? Not 100% sure, so if anyone else knows, maybe they can answer.