Wondering how much to charge for large 6/8 ft. outdoor banner design.
On my end, I think it would be similar to an ad/flyer time-wise.
Would you charge more because the finished product is so much larger?
I would not normally charge more for the design if the finished product is bigger, since that doesn’t change the time spent on the design. Of course printing will cost more, though.
Thanks so much!
I am really wondering if it’ll sound normal to charge more than I did for an ad/flyer, because I did an ad for this client at very beginner prices and I want to go up a bit, but don’t want to sound like I’m charging very different rates now…
I dont think thats a problem
Its a different project with different rates
Thanks @Ahuva !
Agreed, clients will just assume it is more work etc.
Thanks for your help!!
Hi, just curious, If someone asked you to design a billboard would you charge more(since risk goes up by the amount of people viewing the design), or would you charge the same price as a letter size ad?
Not applicable to me now,I was just discussing this with a workmate and we had different views on the subject matter.
Would love to hear your thoughts, Thanks!
I would charge more!
It’s way more valuable to the client!!