Pricing for costume album

Does $10 per page sound right?
I don’t know how many pages they have in mind, or how many images they would want per page.
Does anyone with experience with this have a questionnaire that they send to their clients when starting such a project?
Any direction with this this would be really helpful!

Check if you will be expected to be cutting out/ touching up the pictures as that will take more time

Are you ordering the book for them or just designing it?
If I was ordering the book for them I would check how much the book would cost and then add on a set amount I would want to make on it. The books usually have a 20 page minimum so I would tell the client the base price and if they want to add any spreads it would be an additional…

These are good questions!
I will ask and find out.

What is the set amount that you would want to make on it?
I am trying to figure out in numbers what would make sense to charge.

It’s hard to know how long it will take to make the book.
I usually add on $250 to the price of the book. It’s for a 20 page album.
For each additional spread I add on $10 + the cost of adding a spread to the book.
I calculate the full price before and tell them the book costs, lets say $300 and $14 for each extra spread.

got it.

for now i am just going to charge per hour and see what it comes out to for the future.