Potential Job Opportunity, freelance

Received this email from an acquaintance. I believe she is initially looking for someone to do a trial ad at no cost, for practice and to include in portfolio and for referrals. However, she indicates that they would be willing to hire someone for additional work if she is happy with the trial…Please only contact her if you are interested in such an arrangement and want to further discuss, you can email her directly.

We are currently revamping the look of advertising/website for our business (you can check it out at sensorywellness.com) and are looking for someone to do any of the following: design an ad, graphics for the website (my husband created the website a few years ago and is redoing it with a new theme but could use someone for graphics/ layout of design, etc), tweaking the logo (keeping the name without the images attached). The ad would likely be for Mishpacha magazine as well as some smaller magazines (eg, The View in Monsey, Loca Pages in Passaic).

We would be happy for any of the materials to be shared in a portfolio and we can write a testimonial/serve as a referral for the student as well.

Additionally, if the student does nice work, we are open to hiring for future work as well. My husband is launching a new business shortly (when we complete this revamp) and will need similar work for his company as well (in the field of integrative nutrition).

Thanks in advance!

Danielle Amster, OTR
SensoryWellness | Founder