Please help- I need to respond back soon!

Someone told me he needs help with branding.

I don’t think they really know what he has in mind.

What is typically included in a branding? I could offer him a logo, business cards, ads, stationary, anything else??

I want to offer him a package- what would be a charge for someone that is really just starting out? (I just finished Design Alive this summer)

Please help ASAP!

Thank you so much!

Hey, Yael. I recently sorta finished with you. I’m charging based on feeling. When I involve a lot of my time, it’s time that equals money. Effort brings reward. So I charge based on effort and based on time. There is a Google Sheet that may be more help. But I currently charge based on my own judgements of time and effort and still remaining true to the fact that I am a beginner.

You can offer a brand color palette, a font system for all their flyers/ stationary, a brand pattern… etc - these things are good for instant recognition of the brand. Also included in logo design could be a brand mark, primary logo and secondary logo ( for smaller or different orientation applications) depending what kind of company it is- the branding can mean lots of things:) but be specific about what’s included in the branding package and how many rounds of revisions before you agree on a price… after that you can charge separately or per hour. good luck!

My basic package is logo+ brand colors + typography + pattern/stamp/icon + brand guide. I do a lot of research and strategizing, so I charge a lot for that. But even if you aren’t doing intensive research, you can still charge something $200. I don’t know how experienced you are and how fast you work, but use that as the guide. Go up or down depending on what you think.
And if you want to offer a letterhead, offer it as an add on for less than you usually would if it was a standalone project.

I personally think 200 is a little low for all those things… I’d offer less for that price; I find that a lot of the time I end up pricing projects based on the client - basically what i think makes sense for that size company to spend, but obviously what is worth it for me as well.
Pricing is definitely a difficult part of the job!

Branding does not include flyers etc.
when you create branding your creating their identity. Logo, pattern, color pallet

Ok thank you so much everyone!
Do people think that a website is included?
Because I don’t do that …

No, the website is the web designer’s job :slightly_smiling_face: It has nothing to do with the branding so unless you say it’s part of the package I don’t think anyone expects you to include it

It is lower end…
But it might also be worth charging a lower fee so that you start getting jobs and breaking into the market… something to keep in mind.
I just did a branding package for someone for a pretty low price but I threw in a few extras both for customer service (so she’d be thrilled and hopefully recommend me) and also because it will be great for my portfolio.

@Yael website is absolutely not included in branding!

Also, ask client what things they need - my client needed stickers and wrapping paper so a brand stamp and patterns were necessary, but some clients might just want a logo and stationary etc. and then give a price based on what is reasonable for the final deliverables.

Also, I think the pricing guide that we got in class was pretty on target - use that and look at the different categories of experience to help you decide on a price.

Yes thank you!
Ok phew I was nervous that people thought it was part of branding even though I know it’s not :wink:
Also, I looked at the price list we got for class- for people just starting out, by branding it said N/A …
But thank you all so much for your help!

Cuz you’re probably not doing a full branding like for a new grocery store including patterns, vehicle wraps, store signs, boxes, and all other extras! You can see what it says by logo design, including the comments… I think the prices listed are pretty spot-on.
Also, sometimes you might feel like you’re straddling the fence between 2 categories…
Pricing is tricky! Hatzlacha with your jobs!

Aidy are you referring to the shared spreadsheet? Or the price list slides that Alyse showed at the end of the year?

Price list slides from Alyse.
The shared spreadsheet is also great to use for comparison, I personally just feel that the prices listed there are somewhat lower end. Some people might disagree with me…
I live in Brooklyn, also, and prices here are more to the higher end… :slight_smile: :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Ok got it.
Thanks so much for all your help!

What exactly does ‘research’ mean/include?

Research is asking a lot of questions about the brand: who are their competitors, what kind of feeling are they trying to convey with their brand etc. I’m obersimplifying it here a little.