Pantone Colors

Does anyone know how I could get Pantone colors onto illustrator?

Having the same issue now. You have to pay for it. It’s an extension called Pantone Connect. I just downloaded a free trial

I may have saved some libraries before they took them away. Will check tonight and post here if I do

How can I save the libraries? I still have them because my home laptop is offline and I haven’t yet updated it to the latest version.

Hi I just signed up for Pantone connect, do you know how I could get in into my adobe apps? It says installed but I cant seem to find it anywhere…

Forget it, found it

If someone reminds me after Shabbos I can upload the pantone books

Why would I want to use Pantone coloring over regular color (color picker). Is it just in Illustrator that Pantone is better?

certain print materials need to be done in pantone colors. I can come out cheaper if you use one color vs full cmyk

So whenever you design for print you only use pantone and not regular cmyk? (i havent dont print in a while, and just starting a brochure)

it depends on how many colors your design has

If you want the color to be exact when printing than you need to use pantone. If you use cmyk then each run can be a different shade. Ive had this many times. A lot of factories only use pantone-so you might as well design with them so you dont have to change from cmyk and then find a matching color in pantone.

When using pantone there’s coated and uncoated, what’s the difference and which one should I use in Photoshop?

Depends on the surface you’ll print on. Regular paper is coated.