N'Shei Logo feedback

Is the graphic mark or text too big on this logo?
Any other additional critique or feedback please let me know.

Really nice!! I would make the icon a bit smaller and higher up I think, and I would move the gold text down too… looks great!

Thanks! Is this better?

Yeah, would you move all elements even further away from each other?
It’s beautiful like this I just wonder if having it airier will finish the look!

I can try that…but aren’t logos supposed to be “tight”?

Really nice logo! Maybe to keep it airy and also tight, make the black text a little smaller but with more kerning. Not sure how it’ll look. Great job!!!

I don’t think they have to be tight… It should look like a unit of course, but I think how “tight” vs how I guess we’ll say “loose” depends on what the logo is for
Here’s a loose :joy: one I did a while ago just to give you the idea

okay I chap. I guess I’ll make two versions - one tight and one loose and see which one the client likes better.
Thanks for the loose logo :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: you attached. It made it clearer for me to see what you’re talking about (and it happens to be really nice btw!)

Good idea! Sure, thanks :slight_smile:

Maybe you’re right about the airiness… #1 is my original one and #2 and 3 are the looser ones…
What do people think?


Thanks :slight_smile:

Love the logo!!!
i agree about #3 looking the nicest :grinning:

Love it! I think #3 is the best of all!

#3 good luck!

Gorgeous! I also like #3

Nice to learn about what space can add to a logo through your work!!

Thanks everyone!! :slight_smile: