I made these ads for a client that is selling Mitzvah Notes and To - Lists. I would like some feedback on them.
Thank you.
I made these ads for a client that is selling Mitzvah Notes and To - Lists. I would like some feedback on them.
Thank you.
Personally I don’t love the background but maybe its because it’s not fitting in well with the text and images - how about having the dark blue on the top left and left aligning all the text to fit in.
Also not loving the separate boxes for all the notepads. I think it would look cleaner if it was out of the boxes and the notepads would be able to be enlarged a little more…
and I think in this case, the logo should be near the contact info…
Here is a quick ad I made using your elements to show what I mean… Obviously dont show only the black notepad, I just duplicated it to save time…
Can you look around for a simple nice background instead of this one?
@Breindy-S What font did you use Its really a good one.
The font for the bigger text is Aventi
and the smaller text is Cedora
I’d keep the background solid and make the notepads MUCH larger and not in a frame. Check out @Breindy-S placement of text, but I would make the notepads less “lined up” and larger. possibly put one LARGE on a mockup like one of these: Free Notepad Mockup (PSD) Free notepad mockup - Mockups Design