Newsletter critique

Designing a newsletter for a re-opening of a vacation house. Would love to get some design direction / critique.

Thank you so much!

Nice layout! The blue is a little dark… Would you consider switching to a warmer color?

I like it as well. I think it could be a little more friendly looking…it’s all the same font - maybe do some in a nice script…
Also, maybe in between pictures, you can have a white line?
btw, do you understand what you are writing?! Cuz if you don’t thats pretty impressive!

I do understand what is written… :slight_smile:
The blue and green are the color of their branding.

I will work on the font type. Which layout is better 1 or 2?

oh that’s so cool that you understand it!!
the colors dont bother me so much…
lol, because I didn’t understand it - I thought it was a double sided newsletter :slight_smile: (I didn’t look close enough to see that it was the same words repeated) I like the layout of #2

This the final version

love love! great job!