Name on Ad

Hi, I created an ad for someone - the first time an ad of mine is going into a magazine.
I put my website in small on the side, but my client is asking to remove it as it “takes away from the smoothness.”
Should I have included this in our original contract? any ideas or opinions?

SInce it wasn’t in your contract, you can decide how you want to deal with it this time, but generally if the client wants your name removed its called a white label ad and you can charge an added fee for it (at least 30% of the ad price).
I’m not sure what I would do here. You can’t force them to allow it, but you can explain why you want it in, and maybe you can find a place to put your name where it’s not distracting. Sometimes the bottom right area is least distracting.
Good luck! (I’d love to see the ad :slight_smile: )

thats tough… I think it’s an accepted thing and you shouldn’t need to remove it.
it should be about 6pts in a non-contrasting colour

(I would probably insist, or tell them to at least pay extra)

please post the ad

It was white, but I just made it lighter.
He also said he doesn’t want his competitors to copy him…


looks amazing!

did you create the logo, or just the ad?

just the ad

make it much much smaller, email should be at 6pt most. Dont put it right by the dash as it draws the eye to it. If it bothers the client, take it off.

I took it off in the end… next time, ill make sure to discuss it before…

@shirar I love the advert!! Great job

i think you put it in a very noticeable place - next to the bullet points and if you would move it down on the left side it would not be as noticeable. I think its accepted practice to put it on.
What does he mean for his competitors to copy him? whats that got to do with your name on the ad?

I think with this specific client he was looking for a retainer of someone who would be as if they are on his team so he probably doesn’t want it to be like he outsourced…

Sorry, not totally related, but wanted to point out a spelling error in the word Accommodations. SHould have two m’s.

Regarding your name, it looks more or less ok to be in the low opacity white, though I think it would work better lower down on the page as mentioned, and in a small enough font size.

Thanks for pointing that out!

saw the ad in the ami this week- looked beautiful!!