Making a word appear from the center out

I want to make a word appear from the center out while becoming bigger from the center out. I used an opacity animator and a scale animator. I played around with the range selector but was only able to make it go from the edge to the center. I attached a gif as an example of what I want to do. Does anyone know of a preset that does this, or how to do this?
Thank you

I dont see the gif, but check where your anchor point was placed

or connect it to a null object and have the null object do the movement


I uploaded the gif. I don’t think the anchor point is the issue and I don’t think a null object will give me the same look?

thanks , sorry didnt understand what you were trying to do before.
take a look at the wipe into center preset from the text animation presets
You may need to create 2 animators, one for the right, one for the left
also the anchor points should be on bottom, from the gif above it scales to the bottom

scratch what I wrote above, I opened after effects, it looks to me like its a text animation preset, scale, scale in from point or scale out from point