Makeup Artist Logo


I designed this logo for a makeup artists, I would love opinions and critiques. :wink:


I love the lipstick concept!
I would try this with a serif font… it would help the lipstick look smoother.

yup, agree with tali.
Alos think this concept looks great, very neat and sharp!

Love the concept! Really sharp and neat! Just make the lipstick tube more obvious.

1 is the best concept wise as the negative lipstick is good. now you need to work on the fonts, and color and the lipstick is very geometric-an exact triangle… would make it more natural and obvious

Thank you for the feedback! This is really helpful! Any of you know offhand any sans serif fonts that have the feminine style curve that this font has? Or any websites that have free fonts?

Love the curve in the K of this font! Which font is it? If you have a CC subscription, use Adobe fonts.
If not, you can try You can filter for free fonts there.
I think you can continue working with this font and just fix up the 1st one, where you have the negative space, to make it more like a lipstick.

Thanks! The font is Bell MT.

I personally like the 1st one. I do see what others mean regarding that it be in a Sans Serif. Just to match the feel of the lipstick being a smooth application. I do understand how difficult it is to find a Sans Serif font that matches what you’re going for. I’d love to help you find a font. Where would you be looking?

I think most of the others look like pens, now that I take a second look on it. So number one is for sure the one to go with.

I played around for fun…

In my examples, the second one I think is working best because it’s sans serif font… Also the third option can work but it’s a little more abstract because the line is so straight…

Also the sans serif font I used is Quasimoda & the serif font is Qanect Elegant (in case you want to use it - although I suggest you don’t…)

You could find a serif font with more character to make it feel more natural… and then you might get the curves that you want to integrate