HI Guys.
We have redesigned our HELP page to be user friendly, accessible and easy to get support and your questions answered. There are 2 help pages, one for non DA account holders (aka new enquiries) and one for those logged in.
Contact Us - Design Alive - this is for non logged in students- you can logout on your account page at the bottom under manage your account.
Student Support - Design Alive - this is the help page on the menu
We are looking for volunteers who can give a little bit of time to comb through the help page and point out any errors, areas which are unclear, incorrect screenshots and the like or to suggest additional topics or questions that may have been missed out. We look forward to your feedback. You can post any issues in this post.
Any enquiry is now logged as a ticket and are followed up on vigorously, We hope that the support is now top notch and everything covered…
Thanking those of you who are on board in advance!