Logo feedback property management

I’m working on a logo for a property management company, I want to know if the name is clear enough? and any other additional feedback.

It is really amazing! For me the name is clear enough
I would work with number three. I think you can remove the two lines on top of the chimney.
I would also change the font of ‘property management’ to be more basic (nexa style).
I would also try to give a bit more spacing between every letter of AKTIVI because it looks a drop squashed

it looks great only thing I had a hard time seeing the m right away I thought it was an ivi as the other letters dont have a break init only by the house

is it not an I V I ?
I read it as A K T I V I

it is aktivi, I just wanted to make sure the k and t are clear enough.

It’s a great concept!
It is hard to read though. I was not sure until you just told us. I’m trying to think of ways to make it more readable with the same concept…
The steam from the chiminea is too much.
And yes, change “property management” to a simple sans-serif font

I couldnt read it…

Is this any better? I spread out the letters a bit more.

yes its definitely better, now I see what it says. Great idea!

search this by images, maybe you’ll find a way to make them clearer.

“k t house logo”

I think it needs to be a little clearer still. I wouldn’t have known what letters.
Maybe slant the top part of the k more or separate the letters more.

I see where your going but I still see it as m even though its not.
It should be clearer what the name is, this way if you only see it for a few seconds youll know what the name is right away.

its not clear to me. I kept trying. to figure out. what the middle letter was. was assuming it was 3 initials