Logo coloring feedback

I made this logo for a client - any critique?
I feel like it’s too simple…
Also i really don’t like the colors… she said she wants pastel but i think it would look nicer in diff colors, like more stark…
Any suggestions on which colors i could use?

I like 2, best contrast!

I would go for one or two

I would go for two

I love that its so simple and clean. I like the font what is it?
I vote #2

i like 2

Vote for 2!
Love the clean effect

Tan Nimbus

Ok, so 2 it is :wink: :wink:
Thank y’all!

I also made this but i liked the other one better …
What do you think?


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Another vote for 2!

You can make the colors a few shades darker. But otherwise it’s really nice

Really nice!