Laptop for Graphics

Hi I’m looking to buy a new laptop. Someone mentioned I should buy a gaming laptop. Does anyone have any suggestions? (I would love for it to be touch screen.)

I recently bought this one and so far so good

I would actually advise against touchscreen, they are very hard to fix if any problems arise. I;m very happy with dell products, not their inspirion line , but their XPS ones and gaming

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I recently bought a lenovo yoga, it does happen to be very strong and touch screen.

I bought this from B&H a few months ago and am happy with it. It’s not a touch screen.
Lenovo 16" Legion Pro 5i 16IRX8 Gaming Laptop 82WK0082US B&H (

In general opt for a lenovo. if you want the best value for money, Lenovo is the best option to go for. they are super durable, and have much newer processors than other brands

I don’t know if I agree with that @hindigrinfeld, lenovo’s do have some great computer but I don’t know if they are the best option

I have an Omen computer which is an HP gaming computer

I haven’t had great experience with Lenovo, however I’ve been using an hp Spectre (touch) for the past 2 years which I’m really happy with

im with microsoft - not cheap for the specs but rly happy…

I bought a similar laptop to this one this year and I’m really happy with it. It’s really fast

Thanks everyone for all your responses! Still need to decide what to go with but these are a great help!

:grinning: maybe choose between 2 and then ask opinions again

How much graphics card memory should I get?
There’s 8GB,12GB and 16GB. The price goes up a lot the bigger the graphics card in the computer. Does it pay for me to upgrade?

definitely, don’t gor for less than 8, i have 16