Lag Be'omer Challenge! 🔥

JDF brings to you- The Light Challenge!!!
Lag Be’omer is a time of revelation, where we celebrate the light of Torah!

Can you create a design of light and revelation?

This is a Challenge for ALL designers! :star2:Bring your design to light!:star2:

:bulb: Graphic Design- Create a design with light! You can use light imagery. light colours, or a lot of white space!

:bulb:Motion Graphics- create an animation, clip, short video that has a light effect. It can be lit up, or use lights in the animation. Lights, camera, action!

:bulb:Digital Illustrators- Draw an image, depicting the concept of light and contrast. You can have deep shadows and sunshine, or any image with a light source.

:bulb:Web Design- Can you create the front page of a website in daytime mode and another/same one in nightime mode, for a user to ‘toggle’ between!

:bulb:Interior Designers- Design a floor plan with windows for natural lighting or skylights. Show how the light floods into the house. You can also go for an electrical plan, Draw a technical detailed plan of where the lighting is situated, what kind of lights are being used and how many light fixtures and outlets there are. Or design a mood board with a light ambiance, the mood conveying freshness and light!

The Challenge deadline is… Lag Be’omer!
Go Designers, let’s SEE what you will create to light up the world!!

:sparkles:Winners will receive an Amazon voucher :sparkles:


So excited to see what everyone comes up with!

This is my mood board:


The actual picture is a little dark but the flame is lighting it up.
The same is true with our Galus. We have hard times but a life of Torah lights up our lives!


Wow!! great submissions so far!! Keep them coming!!

Great start! Can’t wait to see the rest of the submissons.



What prompt did you use to get such well dressed men?!

a crowd of caucasian men jews dancing around a big bonfire in Jerusalem. all should be wearing black hats or skullkaps and black suits


so cool! is it midjourney?

Nope! :slight_smile:

wow! love this image
what prompt did you use?

a jewish mother with a brown wig wearing a collared and long sleeve black dress smiling next to 2 glowing silver shabbos candles that are on a table, in a darkened room, 2 little girls wearing black dresses and bows in their hair looking up at the mother and smiling, realistic, happy bright vibes

Here’s mine.


Used Canva because it’s late here and don’t want to be up too long. Hope that’s ok.



I love the concept!