I am creating a website for a shul and they would like a Jewish calendar on there with all yomim tovim. Does anyone know of any such plugins? (I tried googling a bit but haven’t find anything great that has been recently tested with wordpress etc…
What about embedding a Google Calendar that has all the Yamim Tovim on it (via Hebcal, etc)?
how does that work? hebcal has a plugin - I only see one for shabbos times
@rivkaneumann can you please explain how it works with google calendar and hebcal?
Create a google calendar specifically for the shul.
If you go here: Jewish Holiday downloads for desktop, mobile and web calendars - Hebcal you can download the exact calendar that you need.
Import it into the google calendar, and then embed the calendar on the website.
Does that make sense?
Yes, now I understand what you mean. .Thanks for explaining…