Interior Design Open House Event! 🏘

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I want to be an Interior Designer!
- Is this you?

This is where you start! :sparkles: :sparkles:

Join our live Open House Event, where you will get to hear all about Design Alive’s sought- after Interior Design course!

What we will cover:

~ More information and details about the course

~ 3D renderings

~A live class preview

~Q & A

~A chance to meet your professional instructors!

+Plus, attendees will receive an exclusive discount on course registration! :tada:

:point_right: :point_right: :point_right: So register NOW to secure your place!

If you can’t join us live, no fear! Register NOW, and we’ll send you a recording of the event straight to your inbox! (Look out for it!)

This event will keep you so well informed- you’ll be raring to go when the Interior Design live course registration opens on: ** JULY 1ST **

Looking forward to seeing y’all there! :heartpulse: