Instagram Profile Size

Hi! I designed this logo for someone, and she wants to use it for her instagram profile photo. She said that it’s too big to fit in the space (it needs to be round). Does anyone have experience with this? How do I make it fit? I also don’t want the size to be too tiny and have it come out blurry. Thank you!
It’s not working to upload the pic… but any help would be appreciated!

It sounds like you should make the file 180x180 pixels to 110x110 pixels at the least
You can check this link out

And regarding roundness, you just make the file the size above, and keep in mind that the corners will be cut off

thanks so much. I tried that file size… and she said it’s still not fitting

In case anyone else needs… I found help on this website
Basically the image needs to be 40x40 pixel circle. So I created a 50x50 pixel file in illustrator, then made a 40x40 circle and made the logo fit in it. Then I exported it how it said on the site

AFAIK most social media sites have restrictions about the image file size, not dimensions. Meaning, I can upload a 1000px square to Instagram so long as the file size is low. (Export for web should be enough.)

If it’s 40x40, it won’t be clear on large or retina screens. Better to do a larger one and export for web.

It can be a square, Instagram (or Linkedin, etc) will crop it. But you would want to have the circle in mind when designing, so you keep the design within that.