Illust. hwrk 9

how do i get the pattern for the background?
when i download it, nothing comes up.
also, i can’t get the words “spread the word!” to that shape-which tool in envelope distort am i supposed to use?

your’e right - im not sure why its not downloading, I’m trying to find out…
I cldn’t figure it out either, the only way it worked for me is if you do envelope distort and then click the mesh option to edit it yourself but doesn’t come out so neat that way…
Have you tried emailing your teacher?

yes i tried emailing her-but haven’t gotten a response yet.

figured it out - when you download the ai file which says pattern - it come up blank - then click on the fill colour option at the top of the page and you’ll se only 5 colours come up - one of them is the pattern that you can use
if you can’t find it - lmk and ill make a screen recording for you